
Ways to contribute

There are many ways to contribute to UTCA. Here are some common ways people contribute:

  • Code: Help us write code, fix bugs, or improve our infrastructure.

  • Integrations: Help us integrate with your favorite vendors and tools.

  • Discussions: Help answer usage questions and discuss issues with users.

GitHub Issues

Our issues page is kept up to date with bugs, improvements, and feature requests. See:

A taxonomy of labels exists to facilitate sorting and discovering issues of interest. Please utilize these labels to organize issues effectively.

When you commence work on an issue, kindly assign it to yourself.

When adding an issue, strive to keep it focused on a single, modular bug, improvement, or feature. If two issues are related or blocking, please link them rather than combining them.

Getting Help

Our goal is to have the simplest developer setup possible. Should you experience any difficulty getting setup, please contact us!

We enforce specific formatting and documentation standards throughout the codebase. If you're finding these guidelines challenging or even just annoying to work with, don't hesitate to reach out to a us. Our goal is to ensure that these standards don't hinder the process of integrating high-quality code into the codebase.


To contribute to this project, please follow the "fork and pull request" workflow. Please do not try to push directly to this repo unless you are a maintainer.

Please follow the checked-in pull request template when opening pull requests. Note related issues and tag relevant maintainers.

It's essential that we maintain great documentation and testing. If you:

  • Fix a bug

    • Add a relevant unit or integration test when possible. These live in coressponding __test__ directory of module where bug occure.

  • Make an improvement

    • Update docstrings and if necessary add/update README file in module(s) where improvement was made

    • Update tests when relevant.

  • Add a feature

    • Add a demo notebook in programs module.

    • Add tests.

Extra tips:

  • Try to maintain consistent structure of modules, and code;

  • Use docstrings to describe functions and objects that you add;

  • Use comments to describe fixed issues or complicated parts of code.

In future releases, additional tools for formatting, linting, and development needs will be incorporated to simplify contribution flow.

Last updated