
Base wrapper for components

Subclass of Component. Used for context of execution of Components

Module: core

Methods and properties

Main methods and properties



  • component (ExecutorComponent): Wrapped component.

  • get_key (Optional[str], optional): Which key value of input_data will be used. If value equal to None, root dict will be used. Defaults to None.

  • set_key (Optional[str], optional): Which key will be used to set result value. If set_key value equal to None: - if result of type Dict[str, Any], update root dict; - else, set result to default_key. Defaults to None.

  • default_key (str, optional): Default key used for results that is not of type Dict. Defaults to "output".

  • replace (ReplacingScope, optional): Replacing strategy for executor. Defaults to ReplacingScope.INPLACE.

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